Rights of Way

The Free Online Rights of Way Mapping Service

Rights of Way UK is now live with all maps online and ready to use. We organise our maps by council which can be accessed on the ‘Access our Maps’ page in the menu above. By default, all rights of way types are loaded however you can chose to only view certain types of paths using the small toggle button on the top right side of the map.

Our powerful system shows you all the rights of the way in England and Wales for free. We are continually adding more features and hope to add features boxes on the map giving details on every right of way selected. We are also hoping to begin offering aerial map layers soon however this is dependant on revenue from advertising and donations – if you find this site useful please consider donating!

In the mean time, why not give our maps a spin for yourself and let us know how you think. We are always looking to improve our service.