Rights of Way

The Free Online Rights of Way Mapping Service

Below is our free rights of way map covering all of England & Wales. It includes all footpaths, bridleways and byways which are separately coloured. We also provide council based free rights of way maps for faster loading. You can select which rights of way are displayed using the map toggle button on the top right corner. To view the details of a path click on it an a details box should appear. 

Geolocation: Click the top left icon on the map (below zooming options) then click accept. You will be directed to your current, approximate, location. Mobile Users: On mobile phone, to scroll up and down the page use one finger. To move the map use two fingers. Path Details: Click a route to get details on that path. This includes path numbers, distance and council data.




Footpaths = Brick Red. Byways (Open to all Traffic) = Orange. Byways (Restricted) = Green. Bridleways = Purple. 




Our free rights of way maps use the data offered online by Barry Cornelius of ROW Maps. His data is available cleaned and free of charge. It powers his own maps which are also a great alternative mapping service. The data we use is an interpretation of the definitive map not a accurate reproduction. It cannot be used for legal purposes and is provided without warranty or guarantee.