Rights of Way

The Free Online Rights of Way Mapping Service

What Are the Different Right of Way Types?

Wilby Suffolk Footpath

You most likely know about footpaths and bridleways but what about restricted byways or byways open to all traffic? In the UK, there are four types of right of way which allow differing activities. For any users of rights of way, it is important to know about all the different types to ensure you are using the path legally. In generally, all rights of way allow walkers and runners. Mobility scooters, powered wheelchairs and prams are also universally allowed however the dirt/grass surface of paths, and likelihood of gates and styles, mean paths may be unsuitable for them. Dogs are also allowed but must be under close observation. If a route is impassable you are always allowed to take a reasonable diversion or remove the obstruction though it is advisable to let the council deal with it especially in the cases of intentional blocking.