Since 2016, I (Rafe Roughton) have researched many lost rights of way which are not currently on the map. Since 1949, English and Welsh local councils (except for London) have been required to maintain a definitive map. This map shows all rights of way which are recognised however many, for various reasons, are not on the map. This still means they may be rights of way and a process exists to add them to the map. Without being on the map, the council will not recogise and up keep them meaning they may be blocked and built over. It is therefore imperitive that all these lost rights are added to the map. If you are interested in researching lost rights of way for yourself have a look at our page: Claim Rights of Way Yourself.
I have send a number of claims for unregistered rights of way in Suffolk and Lincolnshire – my current area of interest is Eastern England & South East England. I am in the process of adding a table below with all the rights of way I am in the process of claiming or researching.